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What is Antiques Roadshow

n today’s digital age, collectors can shop for items they want to buy online at what is called a “closed auction”, where they bid against other collectors for a specified item, at a designated time and place. However, for those who love to travel, there is another option: Antiques Roadshow. When compared to an online auction or a live auction, a Roadshow tour is a more personal experience because you actually get to see, touch, and smell the items you are bidding on. The Antiques Roadshow Appraisals online is a website which offers a variety of Appraisal forms and Registry Forms. They also have a “Roadshow Schedule” which displays the entire schedule of upcoming road shows throughout the year, complete with the dates, cities, and states in which they will be held.

Collectors find they can turn junk into treasure, thanks to the expertise of the professional appraisal experts of the antiques roadshow; Mark L. Walberg, who is the President and Chief Appraiser of Antiques Roadshow. The Roadshow Company has been providing high-quality, expert appraisals and personal appraisals since 1979. Their clients include individuals, corporations, and other organizations. For their valuable service, Roadshow is paid on a contingency basis, which means they receive a percentage of any winning bids received by their appraisers.

Mark L. Walberg, is an eight year veteran appraiser, a former buyer’s agent, and has been a member of the Antiques Roadshow executive board for the past 24 years. Mark has been named in the New York Times Magazine’s Best Auctions list five times. Along with his wife, Susan W. Walberg, he has two teenage children. Susan is also an appraiser, and has been a member of the Roadshow executive board since 1987. The couple lives in suburban Washington, D.C. with their four grandchildren.

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