Categories Entertainment

YouTube shorts take Tiktok in a big way with world expansion

YouTube shorts, the video experience short of the platform similar to what you get in Tiktok, is now being launched users in more than 100 countries. The competitor Tiktok arrived for the first time in a limited fashion in India last year, then expanded to other markets, including US. UU and the United Kingdom. Despite its competence, YouTube shorts have proven to be popular among users who want fast fire entertainment.

If you are in one of the countries you have already received support from YouTube Shorts, you are likely to have seen the flag of these videos shortly in the application. As with Snapchat, Tiktok, and similar offerings, YouTube shorts videos are not very long; Users can slide quickly through them with limited features directly in each video.

The creators have already embraced this new service, and it is not surprising why: it is easy to add the videos shortly that they have already done for other platforms, in addition to YouTube is a massively popular destination with a huge base of viewfinder. Likewise, creators can offer short editions of their longer videos, potentially drawing on new viewers who can click on the Channel of the Creator.

YouTube shorts launched a year ago in beta-shaped with multiple tools for creators, including a multiple segment camera that allows users to join several clips. Likewise, creators have access to video speed controls and the option to include music in their videos from the YouTube Song Library. In recent days, the feature was updated to include the sampling audio of YouTube videos.

The audio sampling function began to shoot users in some markets last week, although it will be a time before all the creators accessed him. With the YouTube shorts are expanding to the global market, it seems likely that we see features and additional tools, deploy for users and creators, including the ability to find more easily the longest youtube videos from which they are performed shorts.

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