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The Xbox Family Configure application can now manage children’s spending

Game consoles such as Xbox are often considered a lonely machine for a lone player, but that has not been the case of recent years. Consoles have even become a means by which families spend time together at home or for children to develop skills often associated with safe games. The latter is an important consideration for parents who want to hit their children to consoles and games available to them. The Xbox Family Configure application tries to do that task less than one task, and its newer features promise to save money to parents or prevent them from accidentally losing some.

The IAP and purchases of accidental games are not just the Bandes of mobile games. They can also happen on any game platform, and in any age group. Xbox has provided parents and tutors for ways to monitor and manage the use of a console child, but parents still need more control and safeguards, especially when money is involved. The latest update of the parental control application for Android and iOS finally delivers that, allowing parents to monitor and limit spending on games.

Parents will be able to set limits on how much a child can spend when buying games or shopping in the application. Of course, it presupposes that children have a kind of “wallet” to buy them. The application allows parents to add and see the balance of a child, allowing them to give children a reward for good grades or tasks.

In case your money runs out, children can also ask their parents if they can buy a game. Parents can buy it on their behalf or give them additional money for it. Of course, you can also deny the request.

Parents can also keep track of what their children buy with the money they are given, in case they give them the trust and freedom to make their own purchases without having to ask each time. The new features of the application not only empower parents, but also train children to make their own decisions and gain the confidence of their parents to give them more freedom when it comes to their playing options.

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