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Netflix game plans confirmed by the last rent.

Netflix is ​​still considered to be the king of video broadcast, but in turn has been divided a vast empire among other rivalry kingdoms, including the Kingdom of Mickey Mouse. Despite the greatest competition, Netflix has remained faithful to its central service from distributing videos in several genres. It has not been increased in audio content as podcasts, for example, it seems to be experiencing a rebirth these days. However, I could diverge soon in the territory of videogames if your new Exec is any indication.

The ambitions of the Netflix games return until 2018 when it released the black mirror of interactive fiction: BanderSnatch and Minecraft: History mode. The rumors have appeared here and there about their plans to offer video games along with their video transmission content, but the company’s official statements did not compromise exactly or denied so much speculation. However, its last contracting it practically confirms that it has a specific executive position related to videogames.

Bloomberg reports on the hiring of Mike Verdu, a name that might be familiar with the Game Development Circles. Verdu held several high-level positions in EA, Kabam and Zynga, and the most recent stay in Facebook, where he sat as VP for AR and VR content. Verdu will now be the Vice President of Netflix for the development of the game.

While that confirms the Netflix preparations for a game company, it does not respond exactly how this bustle will take. According to Insiders, Netflix will offer videogames along with its normal video transmission content without loading extra.

Actually, it is curious that Netflix would domess his fingers in a jar of cookies without direct relationship with the transmission, assuming that he will not be transmitted to the games like Google Stadia. Game subscriptions are gaining traction through different game platforms, and Netflix could be hard to find developers and publishers to join their platform when there is half a dozen more established services available.

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