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Chrome HTTPS-FIRT MODE will show a full page warning in unsafe connections

Google has been driving a crusade against elements that make the web insecure and dangerous. Knowing that not all users can be aware or want to make an effort to change their bad security practices, Google is trying to enforce security at its completion of chromium as their carrot and adheres to the owners and administrators of its website . For years, he has been pressing HTTPS as a single way for websites to attend content, but it has not been 100% successful. Now you are announcing the next features and changes in the Chrome browser that will deal with those HTTPS HOLDOUS while still allowing users to decide their own destiny at their own risk.

Google says that more than 90% of the pages loaded in Chrome already use HTTPS, but it is not denying that there are still hundreds that do not. Chrome currently indicates which pages use HTTPS and not, but that is practically. If users do not pay attention to those brands, they will not be immediately aware of the dangers that lurk around the corner.

In Chrome 94, due in September, Google will test an option in HTTPS-FIRT mode, which will try to load all pages such as HTTPS. The most important detail In this way is that Chrome will show a full page warning if the page can not be upgraded to HTTPS, letting users decide if they want to risks to continue with the procedure or not. The mode will be optional, but Google could do the default value if the function receives a positive feedback.

The pages of HTTPS can still be a bit of mystery for some people. They could presume that a site is reliable, simply because it offers content through HTTPS when, in fact, it is only the connection between the browser and the server that can be considered safe. It does not help Chrome use a lock icon to indicate an HTTPS connection, promote the wrong idea.

Google will be experimenting with that indicator, starting with Chrome 93. Instead of a block, it will simply show an arrow pointing down that users can click to verify that the connection is secure. The pages loaded with HTTP will still get a “unsecured” label to clearly indicate the fact. Google expects to decrease the confusion, although it could use a different implementation if that experiment does not work as expected.

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