Categories Technology

Iranian train system drop victims of this weekend cyberattack

Iran faces a series of cyberattacks itself this weekend. Reuters and Guardian reports that the Iran railroad system and transportation sites experience “cyber disorders” (according to government media) on weekends. The portal site fell, although it was not clear how bad the train system was affected. Officials claim that only the display of trains is compromised with fake messages, but the Fars news agency claimed there was a “unprecedented chaos that included cancellations and delays.

The site and the train system returned to normal on Monday morning.

It is uncertain who was behind the attack, even though Telecommunication Minister Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi told people to the threat of ransomware if they did not overcome security vulnerabilities. Iran has historically blamed several cyberattack in the US and Israel, although Ransomware is more often a work of criminal organizations.

The US and other countries usually pinned Cyberattack in Iran, and both parties have been involved in relatively quiet digital warfare. However, it is not clear that’s the cause here – this can represent ‘ordinary’ hackers that exploit weak points in Iran’s infrastructure, whether to make money or create chaos.

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