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Men were accused of allegedly selling trafficking tips on the dark web

The Department of Justice and Commission Securities and Exchange have demanded men they claim to sell trafficking tips in the dark web. Apostolos Trovias allegedly used anonymous software, pseudonyms (he was said to have gone with the nickname “Bull”) and Bitcoin to cover his identity.

According to complaints, Trovias sells stock information individually and subscribes to the Black Market Alfabay that does not work and other sites on the dark web. He was said to have arranged himself as an “insider hedge fund” who worked in the trade branch as an office officer.

In 2017, shortly before the authorities confiscated and turned off Alfabay, Trovias was allegedly selling pre-release reports of pre-disposal income internal income for at least one company traded publicly. He faced a count of money laundering (which had a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison) and a count of securities fraud, which could cause a 25-year prison sentence if Trovias was punished.

The complaint was submitted in February but continued to be sealed until after Trovias was arrested. He was arrested in Peru in May, according to the submission seen by PCmag, who recorded the US government to work in his extradition.

Others have been charged or punished in connection with Alfabay activities. In February 2020, the FBI accused Larry Harmon for allegedly running the Bitcoin $ 300 million money laundering scheme. Last September, Bryan Connor Herrell was sentenced to 11 years in prison. Herrell is a moderator for Alfabay and disputes that are completed between vendors and customers. He became guilty of conspiring to be involved in extortion which affected corrupt organizations.

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