Categories Entertainment

Netflix will start the email to parents’ reports about your child’s visualization habits

Netflix has announced two changes in their platform for children, so much that they facilitate parents to find something so that their children see and control what they are transmitting. As with Netflix for adults, the child’s side of Netflix is ​​receiving a standard of the top ten that reveals the shows that other children in the user’s country are observing. Joining the new row of content is the option of obtaining electronic habit emails.

As with the first row that has been available for a time in adult profiles, Netflix’s children’s profiles also contain a row of “Top 10 in children” that shows what other people in their country are observing . The row highlights movies and television programs for children who are popular at this time, helping parents find a new content that their child can enjoy.

Perhaps more interesting is the new feature of control of parents who sends parents the bi-weekly remains of their children’s visualization habits. Electronic emails are designed to help parents understand the type of content that their children prefer, as well as providing resources that their child like. For example, email will have recommendations based on your child’s content.

Likewise, the email will describe the types of shows and / or themes that match the interests of the child based on their visualization history, such as those who like to show about friendship. Emails may also contain coloring sheets of sample characters to your child likes them; These can be printed at home and surrender to the child to color.

Ultimately, emails will make it easier for parents to watch over what their child is looking at and the kind of things that are interested, which can open the door to introduce new programs and movies to their child. Adding free printable coloring pages is a good touch for old spectators.

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