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LCO astronomers say comet C / 2014 UN271 is the biggest ever found

A new comet was discovered last month by astronomers named Comet C / 2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein. The image below is a synthetic color composite image created using a one-meter Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) telescope located in Sutherland, South Africa. The picture was taken on June 22, 2021, and the comet was in approximately the middle of the picture with a blurry cloud and diffused around it.

Astronomers say the diffuse clouds around the brighter nucleus are coma coma. C / 2014 UN271 was found by reproducing four-year data from a dark energy survey conducted using a four-meter blanco telescope in Cerro Tired Inter-American Observatory in Chile between 2013 and 2019. Astronomers determine the object has become an active comet in three years since the survey The dark energy first saw it. The researchers now found that the C / 2014 UN271 was the biggest comet ever found.

Some pictures were taken from the comet as a team that worked to find whether it was active, with the first image returned to be obscured by the satellite line. However, other images are clear, and astronomers can easily tell dot fuzzy not crispy like a neighboring star that indicates that it is a comet. The image also allows researchers to determine it still 1,800,000,000 miles from the Sun, which is more than double the distance made by Saturn orbits.

C / 2014 UN271 is estimated to be more than 100 kilometers in diameter, which is more than three times the size of the next biggest comet core which is known to humans, which are Hale-BOPP, found in 1995. C / 2014 UN271 is not expected to be bright enough to be seen with the naked eye because The closest distance will come to the sun will remain outside Saturn’s orbit.

However, because the comet was found with a large distance from the earth, astronomers would have more than a decade to learn it. The closest approach to the sun will occur in January 2031.

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