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NASA’s new map planning a lunar drive for VIPER

NASA is currently trying to put a new lunar rover on the surface of the moon, and part of the job is developing a map where exactly the rover will travel. Knowing where Rover will encourage critically important to help avoid obstacles and make Rover quite close to interesting objects to do their mission. Viper, or volatiles that investigate the Rover of Polar Exploration, is part of the Artemis NASA program.

The Viper mission planner has created a high-resolution digital altitude map of the surface of the moon. By using the maps, Rover will be able to travel safer and efficiently across the surface of the moon while looking for resources at the Lunar South Pole. Special resources for scientists are ice. Ice can be converted to other resources to further explore the solar system, including oxygen and rocket fuel.

Ice can also potentially become a source of drinking water for humans who carry out the mission that is expanded on the surface of the moon. Map of NASA is being made on a three-foot scale and provides a large 3D 3D plot model at the South Pole of Lunar. Maps also show quickly changing lighting and temperature conditions caused by long shadows that cross the surface.

The map will help prevent broken explorers for crossing the landscape filled with craters with steep sides. The mission planner will also use information about shadows to ensure that solar-powered batteries in Rover are still charged. Rover must also be able to find a safe place to hibernate during advanced communication with the earth.

The map has revealed the features of scientific interest on the surface of the moon, including features called “Mini Cold Traps” which is a lasting shadow measuring between six and 16 feet throughout which is quite cold to collect. These areas are very interesting in searching ice. The researchers noted that they had to plan ahead to prevent Vipers from being followed by shadows, which moved around the south poles of the moon at the same speed as Rover. An error can leave the rover in the eternal darkness makes it useless.

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