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Residents claim a massive mining of Bitcoin warms a local lake

Residents of Estate New York are angry because they say that a large Bitcoin extraction operation is heating Lake Seneca. Lake Seneca is one of the largest lakes in the New York space. Typically, the lake is heavily used for boating, fishing, swimming and other recreational activities in summer. However, the inhabitants say that a gas plant nearby pollutes the air and heats the lake. 

A resident says that the lake is so hot that you feel as if you swim in a hot tub. The massive power station is not used to provide power to residents of the region. It is more important to an investment capital company called Atlas Holdings and is operated by Greenidge Generation LLC in Mine Bitcoin. The electrical production of the power plant has increased over the past and a half year, with much of the energy produced for Bitcoin mines.

The mining of cryptocurrency requires high performance computers that consume large amounts of electricity. The operations at the Bitcoin Mines factory go 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Residents claim that the plant consumes an astonishing amount of power and produces real pollution to collect virtual currency. The energy experts at the University of Cambridge say that Global Bitcoin Mining consumes more energy in one year than all the countries in Chile.

The energy of Bitcoin mining farms from fossil fuels, such as natural gas, could increase carbon emissions, increase pollution and contribute to global warming. The reports indicate that the Greenidge factory has at least 8,000 computers inside and operators plan to further install. The addition of additional computers would mean more energy consumption and pollution.

These against Bitcoin’s operations claim that private equity companies purchase these plants using debt and reopen them to mining operations. According to detractors, without these companies buy the plants, they would be mibillay and the production of energy would transition to greener methods.

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