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Microsoft membeli Cloud Cybersecurity Company RiskIQ

Microsoft bought Riskkiq, a famous Cybersecurity company because it works with organizations such as Facebook and US postal services to identify where they are vulnerable to online attacks. The company does not reveal the terms of the agreement, but according to Bloomberg, Microsoft agreed to pay around $ 500 million. Outside the software, Riskiq is known to publish an annual report called the evil devil internet which can be seen how much evil activity can occur in 60 seconds or less.

Following last year’s Solarwinds data violations, which saw the state-sponsored hackers access the source code, Microsoft has bought several companies to increase its security offers. Only last month, he acquired a laboratory, a company that specializes in IOT’s resilience. The need for the security of the company is better highlighted (not to mention) earlier this month with Kashya’s attack. While Kashya has tried to underestimate the severity of the event, the security company Haun’s security response has estimated that “thousands of small businesses” can be influenced by what happens.

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